We have many GenSets for sale in our database, including many with Mitsubishi engines. Use our search below to find the perfect GenSets for you. We connect you to the seller directly, allowing you to buy Mitsubishi GenSets directly. |
Make | Condition | Model | Power (Kva/kW) | Location | Page 1 of 1 |
Generac | New | SG200 | 250/200 | United States | View GenSet |
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John MacTaggart Dalintober Boats UK
'DieselEngineTrader.com is a very good resource. I use it to search for engines I need and have also advertised a Volvo Penta engine and received some genuine inquiries. Our local market is small and DieselEngineTrader.com helps me to reach a worldwide market.'
Dimitris Constantinou, Limassol, Cyprus
'DieselEngineTrader gives us the opportunity to broaden our sales coverage at very reasonable cost. We sold an International 7.3 to Florida for an advertising cost of only $15.00'
Horace Weaver, Tri-County Diesel Marine, Bellingham, WA
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